Course Syllabus

Library Building


Fundamental legal principles pertaining to business transactions.  Introduction to the law as an instrument of social and political control in society. Topics include sources of law and ethics, contracts, torts, agency, judicial and administrative processes, employment law, forms of business organizations, and domestic and international governmental regulations.


You may access the course syllabus and review the schedule, work assignments and course policies.  I encourage you to review it carefully.


Student Learning Outcomes:

At the conclusion of this course, the student should be able to: 

Student Learning Objectives


Analyze cases. Identify issues and apply the appropriate legal rules to the fact patterns to reach defensible legal conclusions.


Describe the various agency relationships and the duties and liabilities of agents and principals as the foundation of partnerships and corporations.


Distinguish between contracts governed by the Uniform Commercial Code and those governed by the common law of contracts.


Appraise the relationship between law and ethics.


Distinguish between torts and crimes and describe the purpose of criminal and tort law.


Evaluate when a promise is enforceable, the elements of a contract, performance, and remedies available in the event of breach.


Describe the major federal acts that pertain to antitrust, securities regulation, employment law, and environmental law.


Differentiate the relationship between state and federal systems, the jurisdiction of courts, the interaction between business managers and lawyers, and the importance of alternate dispute resolution methods.


Explain a corporation’s legal structure and differentiate it from other forms of business organization, the meaning of limited liability for the owners; describe the relationship of the various stakeholders.


Compare and contrast the theories of jurisprudence and the classifications of law.


Compare and contrast state and federal regulation.


Describe the Constitutional basis for federal governmental regulation of business, including limits of government power.


What Is Business Law?

Business law is the body of laws that govern how business organizations and business entities are established, run, and managed. The same is true of a sole proprietorship. Ideally, all commercial matters, business decisions, business transactions, business debts, employee rights, state laws, contract drafting, regulatory compliance, limited liability, mercantile law, and any other legal requirements should be overseen by a qualified business lawyer. It is vital that a corporate entity follows all local laws, state laws, and federal laws.

Business law covers a wide range of topics such as contracts, property rights, corporate governance, taxes, business formation and dissolution, consumer protection, environmental regulations, and many more. And business law doesn't just apply to a company or other corporate entity; a sole proprietor should become well versed in business law.

Business law has many purposes. It helps ensure fairness in a business transaction between other businesses involved in a deal or dispute; it protects individual rights; it provides standards for responsible behavior; and it promotes economic stability through legal certainty.

Examples of Business Law

So, what is business law - and what are some good examples within the field? Business law can include national and international laws, regulations, and ethical standards. Examples include employment agreements, contracts, intellectual property rights, consumer protection, and business mergers. It also supports the growth of business entities by creating a framework of legally binding rules and regulations that help protect the interests of all parties involved. It can also provide legal remedies for disputes between businesses and their customers or employees.
Business law helps to ensure that a company is operating in compliance with state, federal, and international laws - allowing the company to conduct business fairly and safely. Business law plays an essential role in the growth and success of any business.

In some cases, individuals in a corporate entity leadership position may be required to testify or provide evidence in court as part of a lawsuit against the company. For these reasons, it’s important for businesses to have access to expert legal advice to ensure that their rights are being protected.

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Important Notes

  • Any student needing accommodations should inform the instructor. Students with disabilities who may need accommodations for this class are encouraged to notify the instructor and contact the Disability Resource Center (DRC) [Disabled Student Services] early so that reasonable accommodations may be implemented as soon as possible. All information will remain confidential.
  • Academic dishonesty and plagiarism will result in a failing grade on the assignment. Using someone else's ideas or phrasing and representing those ideas or phrasing as our own, either on purpose or through carelessness, is a serious offense known as plagiarism. Please see the College of the Desert handbook for policies regarding plagiarism, harassment, etc. [Standards of Student Conduct.]
  • Any students with food insecurities or who need other support should contact their campus support services or visit the campus food pantry if available.