Chapter 21: Incident Management Learning Objectives

Learning Outcomes Clipart


After completing the study of this chapter students should be able to:

Knowledge Objectives

  1. State the responsibilities of emergency medical responders (EMRs) in incidents where HazMat are present. (pp 434-435)
  2. Describe the actions EMRs should take in HazMat incidents before the arrival of specially trained personnel. (pp 434-435)
  3. Discuss the different areas of a HazMat scene. (p 435)
  4. Define a mass-casualty incident. (pp 435-436)
  5. Describe the role of EMRs in a mass-casualty incident. (pp 435-440)
  6. Explain the steps in the START triage system. (pp 438-440)
  7. Describe the purpose of the National Incident Management System (NIMS). (p 441)
  8. Define terrorism and weapons of mass destruction (WMD). (p 442)
  9. Describe potential terrorist targets and risks. (pp 442-443)
  10. Explain the risks posed by explosives and incendiary devices. (p 443; p 445)
  11. Explain the risks posed by the following chemical agents:
  • Pulmonary agents (p 445)
  • Metabolic agents (p 445)
  • Insecticides (pp 445-446)
  • Nerve agents (p 446)
  • Blister agents (p 446)
  1. Explain the risks posed by biologic agents. (pp 446-447)
  2. Explain the risks posed by radiologic agents. (p 448)
  3. Describe the role of EMRs in a terrorist event. (p 449)

Skills Objectives

  1. Demonstrate the actions EMRs should take in HazMat incidents before the arrival of specially trained personnel. (pp 434-435)
  2. Demonstrate triage of a mass-casualty incident using the START triage system. (pp 437-439)