Chapter 21: Incident Management Learning Objectives
After completing the study of this chapter students should be able to:
Knowledge Objectives
- State the responsibilities of emergency medical responders (EMRs) in incidents where HazMat are present. (pp 434-435)
- Describe the actions EMRs should take in HazMat incidents before the arrival of specially trained personnel. (pp 434-435)
- Discuss the different areas of a HazMat scene. (p 435)
- Define a mass-casualty incident. (pp 435-436)
- Describe the role of EMRs in a mass-casualty incident. (pp 435-440)
- Explain the steps in the START triage system. (pp 438-440)
- Describe the purpose of the National Incident Management System (NIMS). (p 441)
- Define terrorism and weapons of mass destruction (WMD). (p 442)
- Describe potential terrorist targets and risks. (pp 442-443)
- Explain the risks posed by explosives and incendiary devices. (p 443; p 445)
- Explain the risks posed by the following chemical agents:
- Pulmonary agents (p 445)
- Metabolic agents (p 445)
- Insecticides (pp 445-446)
- Nerve agents (p 446)
- Blister agents (p 446)
- Explain the risks posed by biologic agents. (pp 446-447)
- Explain the risks posed by radiologic agents. (p 448)
- Describe the role of EMRs in a terrorist event. (p 449)
Skills Objectives
- Demonstrate the actions EMRs should take in HazMat incidents before the arrival of specially trained personnel. (pp 434-435)
- Demonstrate triage of a mass-casualty incident using the START triage system. (pp 437-439)