Chapter 20: Vehicle Extrication and Special Rescue Learning Objectives

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Once you have completed this chapter you should be able to:

Knowledge Objectives

  1. Discuss the role of emergency medical responders (EMRs) during extrication. (p 412)
  2. Identify the seven steps in the extrication process. (p 412)
  3. List the various methods of gaining access to a patient. (p 416)
  4. Describe the simple extrication procedures that an EMR can perform. (pp 416-419)
  5. Identify the complex extrication procedures that require specially trained personnel. (p 420)
  6. Discuss the role of EMRs in special rescue situations, including the following:
  • Water rescue (pp 421-423)
  • A patient with diving injuries (p 424)
  • Ice rescue (pp 424-425)
  • Confined space rescue (p 425)
  • Farm rescue (pp 427-428)
  • Bus rescue (p 428)

Skills Objectives

  1. Demonstrate how to gain access to a patient through a vehicle window. (pp 418-419, Skill Drill 20-1)
  2. Demonstrate how to provide airway management to a patient who is trapped in a vehicle. (pp 419-420, Skill Drill 20-2)
  3. Demonstrate the role of EMRs in special rescue situations. (pp 412-413; pp 421-425; 427-428)
  4. Demonstrate the steps EMRs can take in assisting with a water rescue. (pp 421-423)
  5. Demonstrate the initial treatment of a patient in the water. (pp 422-424)
  6. Demonstrate the initial treatment of a patient with diving injuries. (p 424)
  7. Demonstrate the steps EMRs can take in assisting with an ice rescue. (pp 424-425)
  8. Demonstrate the steps EMRs can take in assisting with a confined space rescue. (p 425)
  9. Demonstrate the steps EMRs can take in assisting with farm rescue incidents. (pp 427-428)
  10. Demonstrate the steps EMRs can take in assisting with bus crashes. (p 428)