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Discussion Board Rubric (1) (2)
Discussion Board Rubric (1) (2)
Criteria Ratings Pts
Prompt to discussion topic
threshold: pts
5 pts
Met discussion assignment requirements. Grammar, spelling and sentence structure meets college level requirements.
4 pts
Met discussion assignment requirements. Very minor structure, grammar and/or spelling issues present and somewhat meet college level requirements.
3 pts
Met discussion assignment requirements. Structure, grammar and/or spelling issues present and do not meet college level requirements.
2 pts
Did not meet discussion assignment requirements. Grammar, spelling and sentence structure are acceptable.
1 pts
Did not meet discussion assignment requirements. Grammar, spelling and sentence structure do not meet college level requirements.
0 pts
Did not submit a discussion assignment by the due date.
5 pts
Reply to peer postings on the discussion board
threshold: pts
5 pts
Responded to two postings with constructive information and makes meaningful reflection on group efforts. Consistently responds to postings within designated time frame. Grammar, spelling and sentence structure meet college level requirements.
4 pts
Responded to two postings with constructive information and makes meaningful reflection on group efforts. Consistently responds to postings within designated time frame. Very minor structure, grammar and spelling issues present and somewhat meet college level requirements.
3 pts
Responded to one student post with constructive information and makes meaningful reflection on group efforts. Grammar, spelling and sentence structure meet college level requirements.
2 pts
Responded to one or two student posts with minor constructive information and makes minor reflection on group efforts. Grammar, spelling and sentence structure somewhat meet college level requirements.
1 pts
Responded to one or two postings with no constructive information and makes very little to no reflection on group efforts. Grammar, spelling and sentence structure do not meet college level requirements.
0 pts
Failed to reply to two student postings by the due date and time.
5 pts
Total Points: 10 out of 10