Chapter 21: Incident Management Discussion
- Due Mar 17, 2024 by 11:59pm
- Points 20
- Submitting a discussion post
Discuss the roles and responsibilities during Incident Management.
Write a response to this discussion prompt by Thursday at 11:59 pm. You might consider the following questions to help you get started with typing in the reply box:
- Define a mass casualty incident.
- Discuss the role of EMR's in a mass casualty incident.
- Describe the steps in the START triage system.
- Describe the purpose of the National Incident Management System.
- Define terrorism and weapons of mass destruction.
- Define the role of EMR's in a terrorist event.
This is also a great place to share any helpful resources related to the roles and responsibilities of incident management with your classmates.
By Sunday at 11:59 pm, please reply to at least two of our classmates' posts with further practical suggestions, comments, or thoughtful feedback.
Grading Rubric:
To view the grading rubric for this discussion, click on the gear icon located in the upper right corner of this discussion and then click "Show Rubric" in the pull down menu.
Criteria | Ratings | Pts | ||||||
Prompt to discussion topic
Reply to peer postings on the discussion board
Total Points:
out of 10