Course Syllabus
Paul Hibbitts (Email: paul_hibbitts [at] sfu [dot] ca, Twitter: @hibbittsdesign)
In-person office hours Tuesdays 4:00-5:10pm HC 2148, virtual office hours chat Thursdays 12:00-1:00pm (and other times when available), and after class by appointment. During the term in-class office hours will also be periodically offered.
Teaching Assistants
Mohsen Kamalzadeh (Email: mohsen_kamalzadeh [at] sfu [dot] ca)
Gayatri Ganapathy (Email: gayatri_ganapathy [at] sfu [dot] ca)
Course Description
In this course we will explore together the art and science of designing usable, useful and enjoyable human-computer interfaces, with an emphasis on user-centered design techniques. The importance and necessity of effective interaction design techniques will be highlighted, and current design methodologies and principles across multiple platforms will be discussed. Students will gain valuable knowledge and experience by working on a group design project.
Effectively working in a team and both verbal and written communication skills are essential to do well in this course.
Course Learning Objectives
- Describe and apply key UI/UX concepts, techniques, and principles
- Assess and describe the usability and UX of a digital interface
- Plan, conduct, and analyze user research for a digital product
- Conceptualize, design, and prototype a digital product
- Apply the core principles of effective visual design
- Plan, conduct, and analyze a usability test of a digital product
Additional Course Objectives
- Care about how people feel about and experience technology
- Participate and contribute as a member of a product team
Individual (50%)
Weekly Review Quizzes: 10%
Final Exam: 40%
Group (50%)
User Research Report: 20%
Usability Tested Mockups: 15%
Usability Tested Prototype: 15%
Late Assignment Policy
For every day the assignment is late after the due date, 10% of the maximum possible value will be deducted from the assignment. No assignment will be accepted once it is three or more days late.
Deferrals or extensions will only be given on the basis of authenticated documentation (such as the University's Certificate of Illness form or Centre for Student with Disabilities accommodation notification).
Required Textbook
Are you kidding me, in 2019? All required readings will be available on-line.
About This Site
This site and its included Grav Open Course Hub pages was designed and built by Paul Hibbitts (Email: paul [at] hibbittsdesign [dot] org, Twitter: @hibbittsdesign), with thanks and appreciation to my past and present Simon Fraser University students.
Spanning three decades of music, here's a sampling of what helped get this fall offering of CMPT-363 User Interface Design built: