Course Syllabus

Course Title/section number:

BUMA 010 Introduction to  Business 

Section 0176



Class Details

Class is asynchronous - all coursework is done online


Dr. Beth Allan-Bentley

Contact Information:


Phone:  (760) 636-7949

Office Hours and Location:

Virtual Office Hours: Tuesday 10:00-12:00 PM ( to an external site.)

By appointment.

Course Catalog Description: 

Students study the formation, structure, objectives, and ethics of contemporary American business enterprises. The course emphasizes the significance of the small business organization, the role of large business organizations, and the practices for the development of managerial personnel. This course is recommended for students who wish to explore a career in business.

Student Learning Outcomes 

  1. Understand and discuss the basic elements of the business environment including formation, structure, objectives, and ethics.
  2. Identify and analyze the various components of a business plan.
  3. Discover various personal career strategies appropriate for personal abilities and selective economic conditions.

Course Objectives

  1. Identify and evaluate the functions of managers in the business world.
  2. Delineate the nature and scope of business activity in the private sector
  3. Understand the function of the business firm as a key social institution.
  4. Identify the problems of business management in a dynamic economic, political, social, and cultural environment.
  5. Investigate the applications of social & behavioral sciences within the business environment.
  6. Formulate solutions to human relations and related management problems that emphasize rational and objective analysis of relevant information.

Course Content:

  1. Understanding Economic Systems and Business
  2. Making Ethical Decisions and Managing a Socially Responsible Business
  3. Competing in the Global Marketplace
  4. Forms of Business Ownership
  5. Entrepreneurship: Starting and Managing Your Own Business
  6. Management and Leadership in Today's Organizations
  7. Designing Organizational Structures
  8. Managing Human Resources and Labor Relations
  9. Motivating Employees
  10. Achieving World-Class Operations Management
  11. Creating Products and Pricing Strategies to Meet Customers' Needs
  12. Distributing and Promoting Products and Services
  13. Using Technology to Manage Information
  14. Using Financial Information and Accounting
  15. Understanding Money and Financial Institutions
  16. Understanding Financial Management and Securities Market 

Required Materials

Introduction to BusinessLinks to an external site. 


ISBN-10: 1-947172-55-7

Graded Components:

  • Quizzes: There will be a quiz for each chapter. The quiz will randomly draw questions from the test bank. You have up to three (3) tries, although the questions will vary for each attempt. Your final score will be the highest attempt.   
  • Papers: There will be three papers in this class. Each covers specific elements of the business environment.
  • Discussions: The introductory discussion will ensure your enrollment in the course. Each chapter will have a discussion forum. Initial post due on Thursday 11:59 pm, with responses to your classmates completed by Sunday 11:59 pm. Expectations for discussion forums can be found in the module called Discussion Forum Information - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY! 

Grade Weights or Point System:

Grades will be as follows:

  • Intro assignments = 20 points
  • Quizzes = 320 points
  • Two papers @ 100 points each = 200 points
  • LinkedIn paper = 50 points  
  • Discussions = 240 points (initial post due by Thursday @ 11:59 p.m.)

Late Work Policy 

The best way to succeed in this course and achieve the grade you would like is to complete and submit all coursework on time.   

I know that problems arise, and life sometimes gets in the way of school, therefore, I make all assignments for the entire semester available at the beginning of the semester. You are welcome to work ahead and, in fact, I encourage you to do so. That way, if something unexpected arises, you will not be late with your work. Discussion forums are the only items where you may not be able to work ahead unless others in the class do so as well.

As a policy, I do not accept late work - that said, if you have extenuating circumstances, I am willing to hear them. There is no guarantee that I will extend the deadline, however, I do recognize that sometimes emergencies come up. If you will miss an assignment, it is your responsibility to contact me via email and let me know. We can discuss options at that time.  

Letter Grade 

There are approximately 830 total points for this 8-week semester.

Final grades assigned for this course will be based on the percentage of total points earned and are assigned as follows:

Letter Grade Assignment

Letter Grade




90% - 100%

Excellent Work


80% - 89%

Good Work


70% - 79%

Satisfactory Work


60% - 69%

Passing Work


0% - 59%

Failing Work

Viewing Grades in Canvas 

Points you receive for graded activities will be posted to the Canvas Grade Book.  Select the Grades link in the Course Navigation menu to view your points.  I will update the online grades each time a grading session has been completed, typically at the end of each week.

Please note that points in Canvas are accurate but grades are only accurate after I have put zeros into any assignment not submitted.  Sorry - that's the way the software works.  So, rely on total points to know where you are in the semester. 

You also have grades in Cengage MindTap.  Those grades do not include discussion questions or other assignments that I may have to submit in Canvas. 


In this world of text-speak, we often forget how to write a professional, polite email, memo, or letter to someone.  For this class, you are more than welcome to call me Beth or Professor Bentley.  Please do not address me as Dr. Bentley, at least not yet, as I am still working on it.  

  • Emails should begin "Hi, Beth" or "Hello, Professor" or something similar.  Don't just launch into your message without addressing me by name. 
  • Emails should also contain your name and what you need.  This should be a complete sentence using Standard English (no text-speak).  Be specific so I understand your request.  "I have a question about the assignment" doesn't help me.  Specifically, identify the assignment and the issue you are having. 
  • If you have a question about a grade, ask politely.  I do make mistakes and I am happy to correct them or to explain why you received the grade.  
  • End your email with "Thanks" or "Sincerely" or something equally polite.
  • End your email by repeating your name.  First name is fine. 

Instructor Drop Policy

Students who are not actively participating in the class at Census will be dropped by the instructor.

"Not participating" is defined as not submitting any of the required assignments for the First or Second weeks of class. 

After Census, students are responsible for dropping themselves if they no longer plan on participating and must do so before the grade responsible date to avoid a grade and by the "W" date to receive a "W" for Withdrawal rather than an earned letter grade.  

Academic Integrity

In accordance with the College of the Desert’s Student Code of Conduct, cheating and plagiarism will not be tolerated. Incidents of cheating and/or plagiarism will result in a failing grade on the work and a report filed with the Office of Student Life.

People are overwhelmingly honest, hard-working, and eager to learn.  I know this to be true and it is my starting place for dealing with students.  However, I must formally advise you of my policy on cheating.  I'd rather not even mention it, but I must, so here it is. 

This course is designed to evaluate your individual abilities to perform the tasks assigned, and therefore it is essential that you do your own work in this class and not share your solutions with others. The design and execution of every project that you turn in must be performed entirely by you and you alone.  If I determine that two or more of you shared your ideas or solution or that you plagiarized work from another source, I will be required to take disciplinary actions in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct. 

Plagiarism is taking credit for the work of someone else. This is cheating. The internet offers a wealth of information. There is no problem using the research of others as long as you credit the original author. Canvas provides instructors with tools to determine plagiarism by comparing student work to every document posted on the Internet.  So please, do not cut and paste work from the web and claim it as your own.  You can cut and paste as long as you put it in quotes and give credit to the original author. Use of ChatGPT or other AI services will be considered plagiarism.

Classroom Conduct

Our classroom is via CANVAS. Although we are not physically together, classroom behavior applies. Discussions and chat comments should be polite and considerate and follow the Student Code of Conduct. Willful misconduct "shall constitute good cause for discipline, including but not limited to the removal, suspension, or expulsion of a student.”

Disabled Student Programs and Services

College of the Desert views disability as an important aspect of diversity and is committed to providing equitable access to learning opportunities for all students. The Disabled Students Programs and Services (DSPS) office is an office that collaborates with students with disabilities to provide reasonable accommodations. Please contact the DSPS office at (760) 773-2534,, or visit CSSC Room 101 for more information. Once registered with DSPS, students will be provided with an Authorized Academic Accommodations form that can be shared with the faculty.

Veteran Students

Welcome Veterans! If you have any special circumstances (e.g. V.A. apt, upcoming deployments, drill requirements, or disabilities) you are welcome and encouraged to communicate these, in advance if possible, to the instructor.

International Students

Studying Business in a foreign language is challenging. Therefore, all international students may use official translators during exams. Cell phones cannot be used as translators. Also, if you have ANY questions about definitions or content please see me after class, come to my office hours, or make an appointment to talk to me.

Additional Student Resources

Library Services, Tutoring, and Counseling can all be linked through your student Canvas website at MyCODLinks to an external site.

Important Dates

  • 6/14/23: Last day to ADD
  • 6/14/23: Last day to DROP and qualify for a refund
  • 6/19/23: Last day to DROP without a “W”
  • 7/20/23: Last day to DROP with a “W”
  • 8/03/23: Last day of the semester/Final Paper

Personal Note

I will always strive to be sensitive to the needs of my students. If your preferred name (or pronoun) differs from the roster, please let me know and I will be considerate of how you want to identify.

Semester Schedule

Please download the Course Summary Download Course Summaryfor an overview of the chapters covered each week for this course. 

Course Summary:

Date Details Due