Chapter 17: Pediatric Emergencies LOBJ
Once you have completed this chapter you should be able to:
Describe differences between a child’s and an adult’s anatomy. (pp 363–364)
- Discuss examination process for a child. (pp 364–366)
- Describe how to implement the pediatric assessment triangle (PAT). (pp 364–366)
- Discuss normal rates of respiration and pulse for a child. (pp 365–366)
- Discuss symptoms and effects of high body temperature in a child. (p 366)
- Explain differences between performing the following skills on a child and on an adult:
- Opening airway. (p 367)
- Basic life support. (p 367)
- Suctioning. (p 367)
- Inserting an oral airway. (p 368)
- Describe how to treat a child and an infant with:
- A mild (partial) airway obstruction. (pp 368–369)
- A severe (complete) airway obstruction. (pp 369–371)
- A swallowed object. (p 371)
- Respiratory distress. (p 371)
- Respiratory failure. (pp 371–372)
- Circulatory failure. (p 372)
- Describe how to treat the following illnesses and medical emergencies:
- Altered mental status. (p 372)
- Asthma. (pp 372–373)
- Croup. (p 373)
- Epiglottitis. (pp 373–374)
- Drowning. (p 374)
- Heat illnesses. (p 374)
- High fever. (p 374)
- Seizures. (pp 374–375)
- Vomiting and diarrhea. (p 375)
- Abdominal pain. (p 375)
- Poisoning. (pp 375–377)
- Sudden infant death syndrome. (p 377)
- Describe patterns of pediatric injury. (pp 377–378)
- Describe signs and symptoms of shock in pediatric patients. (p 378)
- Discuss effects of child restraint laws and car seat use on pediatric trauma. (pp 378–379)
- Explain steps you should take to care for a child who has signs of child abuse or sexual assault. (pp 379–380)
- Describe need for EMR critical incident stress debriefing. (p 380)
- Demonstrate examination process for a child. (pp 364–366)
- Demonstrate implementation of the PAT. (pp 364–365)
- Demonstrate how to determine the respiration and pulse rates for a child. (pp 365–366)
- Demonstrate performance of the following skills on a child:
- Opening the airway. (p 367)
- Basic life support. (p 367)
- Suctioning. (p 367)
- Inserting an oral airway. (p 368) (Skill Drill 17-1)
- Demonstrate how to treat a child and an infant with:
- A mild (partial) airway obstruction. (pp 368–369)
- A severe (complete) airway obstruction. (pp 369–371)
- A swallowed object. (p 371)
- Respiratory distress. (p 371)
- Respiratory failure. (pp 371–372)
- Circulatory failure. (p 372)
- Demonstrate how to treat the following illnesses and medical emergencies:
- Altered mental status. (p 372)
- Asthma. (pp 372–373)
- Croup. (p 373)
- Epiglottitis. (pp 373–374)
- Drowning. (p 374)
- Heat illnesses. (pp 373–374)
- High fever. (pp 373–374)
- Seizures. (pp 374–375)
- Vomiting and diarrhea. (p 375)
- Abdominal pain. (p 375)
- Poisoning. (pp 375–377)
- Sudden infant death syndrome. (p 377)