Final Review Worksheet

EMR 080-6127 Final Exam Study Guide:

BLS Ambulance is defined as?

What must an EMR do to maintain their certification?

What are the roles and responsibilities of an EMR?

What are the skills most commonly performed by an EMR? What skills might they most be called upon to perform on an emergency response?

Who is most likely to arrive first on the scene of an emergency response?

What are some common examples of injury or illness prevention programs?

Define an EMR's attitude and conduct and what it should look like and not look like?

What is a critical incident stress debriefing (CISD) and when should it occur?

What are the stages of the grieving process?

Common signs and symptoms of stress?

How should the EMR manage their own stress, what are some things that they can do to manage stress?

What must be present on a vehicle carrying hazardous materials?

What should the EMR do if the emergency response scene is unsafe to respond to, or unsafe upon arrival?

What is a scoop stretcher?

What are some general recommendations or principles for moving a patient?

When would you use the one person walking assist method?

What is the recovery position and what patients do we use it for?

Describe good body mechanics/proper lifting technique?

What is expressed consent, informed consent, implied consent?

Signs of obvious death?

When does an EMR have a legal duty to act?

Define what an advanced directive is?

What is the Good Samaritan law and who does it protect?

What is negligence?

Can A patient who has consented to treatment change their mind and refuse treatment? Is there a time frame for this refusal?

What are appropriate methods of communication with hearing impaired patients versus inappropriate methods?

What are some important things to do when caring for sick and injured children?

Define effective communication?

What do the following medical terms mean: hyper, hypo, hemo, cardio, arterio, vaso, distal, proximal, superior, inferior, medial, lateral?

Define anatomic position?

What should you do when encountering a non-English speaking patient? What shouldn't you do when encountering a non-English speaking patient?

Where would you find and palpate the carotid, brachial, radio, or popliteal arteries?

What are the functions of skin?

Review upper and lower airway structures?

How long (seconds) do we suction an adult, pediatric, and infants airways?

What is the definition of a mild and severe airway obstruction?

What is the normal respiratory rate for an adult, pediatric, and infant?

What method is used to remove a foreign body airway obstruction in adults and what method is used for infants?

Review chapter 8 on AED. Pay close attention to what the rescuer should do for the next 2 minutes after the AED prompts you to shock or not to shock?

What should you do immediately after a witnessed cardiac arrest?

When assessing a patient, The patient would be considered alert if they can do what?

Review the components of a scene size up!

What should you do with your eyes while you approach an emergency scene?

What is the difference between signs and symptoms?

What physical finding would you expect to experience in a patient who has just physically exerted themselves while assessing their pulse rate?

Review skin signs. Remember color, temperature, moisture. What is the difference between flushed, pale, cyanotic, jaundiced, warm, hot, moist, dry, etc?

What are the signs and symptoms of a heart attack? What would be the most appropriate action to take for a patient experiencing a heart attack as an EMR?

What are the signs and symptoms of angina pectoris? How is it different than a heart attack?

Definition of atherosclerosis?

What is asthma? What are the signs and symptoms of asthma?

What is the definition of altered mental status?

What is hypoglycemia?

What are the signs and symptoms of hypoglycemia?

What is hyperglycemia?

What are the signs and symptoms of hyperglycemia?

What is the definition of a stroke?

What is hemodialysis?

What are the common nerve agents that we studied in class?

Signs and symptoms of anaphylactic shock?

Signs and symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning?

How does naloxone (narcan) work? What does it work on?

What system of the body do opioid drugs have a negative effect on?

What are the signs and symptoms of organophosphate poisoning, SLUDGE-M?

What is the most effective way to slow the spread of an injected poison?

What is the proper way to administer naloxone (narcan) to a patient?

What type of toxins irritate the lungs and respiratory tract?

What are risk factors for violence in the workplace?

If you suspect that your patient has been abused, what is your first priority as an EMR? (Think "P" in PENMAN)

Definition of empathy?

What is the main cause or reason of suicide in geriatric patients?

What are some common events or causes leading to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)?

Signs and symptoms of heat cramps, exhaustion, and heat stroke?

Common factors that contribute to patients experiencing hypothermia or frostbite?

Definition of drowning?

What is the mammalian diving reflex? What does it do?

Hypothermic patients are not dead until what...?

What is a contusion?

What are the signs and symptoms of a first degree, second degree, third degree burn?

Know the rule of nines for adults, pediatrics, and infants?

Signs and symptoms of shock? How do we treat shock?

Be able to describe the characteristics of capillary, Venus, or arterial bleeding?

What is the most common and effective method for controlling external bleeding?

Definition of a sprain?

Definition of a dislocation?

What is a flail chest and how do we treat it?

What is the function of the skeletal system?

When splitting an injury, what must an EMR do before and after splinting?

What are battle signs?

What are raccoon eyes?

Name the bones in the lower extremities?

Name the bones in the upper extremities?

Why do we place pregnant patients on their left side?

What items are found in an OB kit?

If the infants head emerges and is still covered with the amniotic sac, what would you do?

How are a pregnant patient's contractions timed? When do you start timing and when do you stop timing?

Definition of crowning in a pregnant patient?

If bleeding continues following the delivery of the placenta, what Can an EMR do to assist with bleeding control?

Bloody show is defined as what in a pregnant patient?

What is the tripod position for an adult or pediatric patient?

Signs and symptoms of croup? What age group does croup affect?

What is epiglottitis? Signs and symptoms of epiglottitis? What age group does it affect?

Definition of mottling, pallor, flushed cyanotic skin signs?

What are the signs of a sick child versus a well-child?

Signs and symptoms of child neglect?

Review the pediatric assessment triangle (PAT). What are we looking for when we assess breathing in an infant?

What is the normal respiratory rate for infants and pediatrics?

Definition of a geriatric patient?

Definition of osteoporosis?

Define dementia?

What are hospice programs designed to do?

What is the most dangerous part of a helicopter?

What is the definition of a confined space? What are some examples of confined spaces? What are the two most common hazards associated with confined space rescue?

What is the golden hour (golden period)?

What are the two primary goals during extrication for the EMR?

When you are the first person to arrive on the scene of a multi-casualty incident, what should you do? (Think ICS)

What is the number one thing to do on a hazmat incident? (Think - what am I dealing with?)

Definition of weapons of mass destruction (WMD)?

What is the start triage system? How do we categorize patients? What is the algorithm that we use for determining the categorization of patients?

What are the basic components of the national incident Management system and or incident command system?

Definition of terrorism?

What is the goal during a multi-casualty incident?

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