Identify the anatomic structures of the respiratory system, including the function of each structure. (pp 108–110)
State the differences in the respiratory systems of infants, children, and adults. (p 110)
Explain how to check a patient’s level of responsiveness. (p 111)
Describe how to perform the head tilt-chin lift maneuver. (p 111)
Describe how to perform the jaw-thrust maneuver. (pp 111–112)
Explain how to check for fluids, foreign bodies, or dentures in a patient’s mouth. (p 112)
List the steps needed to clear a patient’s airway using finger sweeps and suction. (pp 112–114)
Describe the steps required to maintain a patient’s airway using the recovery position, oral airways, and nasal airways. (pp 114–117)
Describe the signs of adequate breathing, the signs of inadequate breathing, the causes of respiratory arrest, and the major signs of respiratory arrest. (p 119)
Describe how to check a patient for the presence of breathing. (p 119)
Describe how to perform rescue breathing using a mouth-to-mask device, a mouth-to-barrier device, mouth-to-mouth techniques, and a bag-mask device. (pp 119–125)
List the steps for recognizing respiratory arrest and performing rescue breathing in infants, children, and adults. (pp 125–127)
Describe the differences between the signs and symptoms of a mild airway obstruction and those of a severe or complete airway obstruction. (pp 125–127)
List the steps in managing a foreign body airway obstruction in infants, children, and adults. (pp 128–132)
Describe the special considerations of airway care and rescue breathing in children and infants. (pp 126–127)
Describe the indications for using supplemental oxygen. (p 132)
Describe the equipment used to administer oxygen. (pp 132–133)
Describe the safety considerations and hazards of oxygen administration. (pp 133–134)
Explain the steps in administering supplemental oxygen to a patient. (pp 133–134)
Describe the function and operation of a pulse oximeter. (pp 134–135)
List the special considerations needed to perform rescue breathing in patients with stomas. (pp 135–136)
Define gastric distention. (p 136)
Describe the hazards that dental appliances present during the performance of airway skills. (p 136)
Describe the steps in providing airway care to a patient in a vehicle. (p 136)
Demonstrate how to check a patient’s level of responsiveness. (p 111)
Demonstrate the head tilt–chin lift maneuver for opening blocked airways. (p 111)
Demonstrate the jaw-thrust maneuver for opening blocked airways. (pp 111–112)
Demonstrate how to check for fluids, solids, and dentures in a patient’s airway. (p 112)
Demonstrate how to correct a blocked airway using finger sweeps and suction. (pp 112–114)
Demonstrate how to place a patient in the recovery position. (p 115)
Demonstrate the insertion of oral and nasal airways. (pp 115–117)
Demonstrate how to check for the presence of breathing. (p 119)
Demonstrate how to perform rescue breathing using a mouth-to-mask device, a mouth-to-barrier device, mouth-to-mouth, and a bag-mask device. (pp 119–125)
Demonstrate the steps in recognizing respiratory arrest and performing rescue breathing on an adult, a child, and an infant. (pp 125–127)
Demonstrate the steps needed to remove a foreign body airway obstruction in an infant, a child, and an adult. (pp 128–132)
Demonstrate administration of supplemental oxygen using a nasal cannula and a nonrebreathing mask. (pp 133–134)
Demonstrate the operation of a pulse oximeter. (pp 134–135)
Demonstrate rescue breathing on a patient with a stoma. (pp 135–136)
Demonstrate airway management on a patient in a vehicle. (p 136)