Chapter 14: Bleeding, Shock, and Soft Tissue Injury Learning Objectives

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By the time students finish this chapter they should be able to:

Knowledge Objectives

  1. Describe the function and relationship among the following parts of the circulatory system:
    • Pump (heart) (p 271)
    • Pipes (blood vessels) (p 271)
    • Fluid (blood) (p 271)
  2. Describe how and where to locate a patient’s pulse. (pp 271-272)
  3. Explain how shock is caused by pump failure, pipe failure, and fluid loss. (pp 272-273)
  4. List three types of shock caused by pipe failure. (p 273)
  5. List signs and symptoms of shock. (p 273)
  6. Describe the general treatment for shock. (pp 273-274)
  7. Describe the treatment for shock caused by pump failure. (p 275)
  8. Describe the treatment for shock caused by pipe failure. (pp 275-276)
  9. Describe the treatment for shock caused by fluid loss. (p 276)
  10. Explain how to control external blood loss. (pp 276-281)
  11. Describe the indications for use of a tourniquet.(p 278)
  12. Describe how to use the femoral and brachial artery pressure points to control bleeding. (pp 279-281)
  13. List the four types of soft-tissue injuries. (pp 282-284)
  14. Discuss the treatment of avulsions and amputations. (pp 283-284)
  15. Describe the principles of treatment for open soft-tissue injuries. (p 283)
  16. Explain the functions of dressings and bandages. (pp 284-285)
  17. Explain the relationship between standard precautions and soft-tissue injuries. (p 286)
  18. Discuss the emergency medical care for patients with the following injuries:
    • Face and scalp wounds (p 288)
    • Nosebleeds (p 288)
    • Eye injuries (pp 288-289)
    • Neck wounds (p 289)
    • Chest and back wounds (pp 289-290)
    • Impaled objects (p 290)
    • Closed abdominal wounds (p 291)
    • Open abdominal wounds (pp 291-292)
    • Genital wounds (p 292)
    • Extremity wounds (p 292)
    • Gunshot wounds (pp 292-293)
    • Bites (p 293)
  19. Describe how the seriousness of a burn is related to the depth of the burn. (p 293)
  20. Describe how the seriousness of a burn is related to the extent of the burn. (p 294)
  21. Describe the signs, symptoms, possible complications, and treatment associated with each of the following types of burns:
    • Thermal (p 295)
    • Respiratory (p 295)
    • Chemical (p 296)
    • Electrical (p 296)
  1. Explain the concept of multi-system trauma and how it affects your assessment and treatment. (p 297)

Skills Objectives

  1. Demonstrate how and where to locate a patient’s pulse. (pp 271-272)
  2. Demonstrate the general treatment for shock. (pp 274-275)
  3. Demonstrate the treatment for shock caused by pump failure. (p 275)
  4. Demonstrate the treatment for shock caused by pipe failure. (pp 275-276)
  5. Demonstrate the treatment for shock caused by fluid loss. (p 276)
  6. Demonstrate how to use the femoral and brachial pressure points to control blood loss. (pp 279-281)
  7. Demonstrate treatment of avulsions and amputations. (pp 283-284)
  8. Demonstrate treatment of soft-tissue injuries. (pp 283-286)
  9. Demonstrate the emergency medical care for patients with the following injuries:
    • Face and scalp wounds (p 288)
    • Nosebleeds (p 288)
    • Eye injuries (pp 288-289)
    • Neck wounds (p 289)
    • Chest and back wounds (pp 289-290)
    • Impaled objects (p 290)
    • Closed abdominal wounds (p 291)
    • Open abdominal wounds (pp 291-292)
    • Genital wounds (p 292)
    • Extremity wounds (p 292)
    • Gunshot wounds (pp 292-293)
    • Bites (p 293)
  10. Demonstrate treatment of the following types of burns:
    • Thermal (p 295)
    • Respiratory (p 295)
    • Chemical (p 296)
    • Electrical (p 296)