Successful Learning Strategies
The following successful learning strategies will increase the success rate and successful completion of this course for students.
1. Take a few minutes and explore all of the information located in the navigation pane located on the left side of the screen.
2. Read and understand the information, directions, due dates of all course work, and course policies in the course syllabus. Remember students are responsible and held accountable for all information contained in the course syllabus.
3. Attendance is mandatory in this course. Do not miss a day in class because you will easily fall behind and it will be difficult to get back on schedule because of the accelerated summer format of the class the class.
4. Do not skip any of the pages within the modules. Do all assigned work as required.
5. All quiz and exam questions are mapped to the learning objectives found at the beginning of each chapter in the textbook.
6. Make sure to read and understand the directions on all assignments, quizzes, and exams before you attempt to submit your work for a grade.
7. Make sure you have learned the learning objectives at the beginning of each chapter before you attempt to take a quiz or an exam.
8. Students can always work ahead but never fall behind. Stay on schedule and complete a module a month.
9. Never get on the calendar where tomorrow never comes. Be willing to make a short term sacrifice for a long term goal. Get your education now. Do it right the first time.
10. Always take pride in your work. Never accept substandard performance.