1: Overview
The invention of typography confirmed and extended the new visual stress of applied knowledge, providing the first uniformly repeatable “commodity,” the first assembly-line, and the first mass-production. ~ Marshall McLuhan, The Gutenberg Galaxy
This week you will learn about type classifications.
Most typefaces can be classified into one of four basic groups: those with serifs, those without serifs, scripts and decorative styles. Over the years, typographers and scholars of typography have devised various systems to more definitively categorize typefaces – some of these systems have scores of sub-categories.
Learning Outcomes
- What is Typography?
- History of Type
- Symbols
- Knowing your A, B, Cs
- Wake Up and Smell the Fonts
- Lost Letters
- Lost Typography From the Bauhaus
- Why Type Matters
- Cooper Union, NY
- Type classifications
- Old Style
- Transitional
- Modern
- Slab Serif
- Sans Serif
- Black Letter
- Display
- Script
- Decorative
- Dingbats
- Dot Matrix Fonts
- Weight
- Angle
- Width
- Families