Are You Ready to be an Online Student?
Most students take an online class because it fits with their work schedule or family life.
While these are good reasons to try an online course, you also need to make sure that you understand what it takes to be successful in an online class.
Spend some time reviewing Canvas Online Student Readiness Tutorials in the Orientation module before class begins. Knowing how to use the Canvas tools will improve your technical skills and commitment to online learning. You will get a better sense of what is expected of you and what you will need to do in order to successfully pass any online class. Here are additional information about learning online.
- You need to be self-disciplined and a strong independent worker to do well online.
- Your first "assignment" is to review these online readiness modules and be honest with yourself about whether you can do well in this class.
- Course content is accessed through the weekly modules link by clicking the HOME link on the left.
- After the first week of class, new weekly modules will be released every Monday morning by 12:00pm unless otherwise noted through email communication.
- Modules will have readings, videos, assignments, discussion, extra credit to explore and engage in.
- Please adhere to due dates. if you feel you will be late on a due date, please email me BEFORE the due date. Late assignments are subject to a reduction in points.
- Please communicate with me–if you have a question, email me.
- Get in the habit of accessing this online class every other day during the week.
- Also, check your COD email regularly for class updates.
- Turn on notifications in Canvas! (Links to an external site.) This helps to be notified of of class announcements, forum posts, and grade updates.
- Participate in the discussions and make sure you read all of the instructions to get full credit for each assignment and discussion.
- Challenging and interesting assignments
- Lots of resources to help you
- Timely response to your questions (24 hours during the week, longer over the weekends or holidays)
- Detailed feedback in a timely manner (we all define “timely” differently, but I try to return assignments in about 72 hours after the due date. I try to grade discussions within 1-2 days after submitted. Remember, there are MANY of you and just one of me. I do read what you write and respond to your work in order to help you become a better content creator, and that does take time.
If you complete these Canvas tutorials and find that you are not ready for online learning, do not be afraid to drop this course. It is better to drop the course now (you can still get your money back!) than fail it later. Please be honest with yourself about whether you can manage this class.
In addition, most students find that an online course takes more time than a traditional face-to-face course. Want to hear from other community college students about what it takes to be successful in an online courses? Check out the following video from other community college students to learn more: What It Takes to Be a Successful Online Student
Links to an external site.
If you have technical issues with CANVAS, you can get help 24/7 by calling (877) 930-1129, or click on the HELP icon from the main CANVAS menu (it is at the bottom and is a large Question Mark!).
You want to get started by watching the orientation video. It will show you a bit about the class and how to navigate our CANVAS learning management system.
Once you have watched the orientation video, get started by accessing the Getting Started link below!