What You Will Need
A passion for Typography.
And good hands-on experience with the Adobe Illustrator software are needed to create type.
Computer Access
- You will need regular and reliable access to a good internet connection.
- An up-to-date browser; Safari, FireFox or Chrome
- A newer model laptop or desktop computer that can handle the Adobe Creative Cloud
- Portable drive, high capacity USB flash drive or portable hard drive or cloud storage for storage and back-ups
CANVAS has an app for Apple and Android devices, but you will only be able to read and watch the lecture content. You will not be able to create content for your assignments on your phone.
LinkedIn Learning
You will also have access to LinkedIn Learning.
OPTIONAL Online Educational Resource (OER) |
Other Materials
Sketchbook |
Tracing paper |
Pigma Micron Pens |
Computer Skills
You must have basic word processing and computer skills in order to be successful in this course. If you do not know how to format a document in Word, save files to PDF, or attach files you have saved, then you will need to learn quickly! You can find tutorials on YouTube and search online for other helpful resources.
You will also need:
- Portable drive (high capacity USB flash drive or portable hard drive or cloud storage)
- Hardware requirements (Links to an external site.)
- Software
- Adobe Creative Cloud
- The Adobe Creative Suite program can be purchased at a student rate upon verification of enrollment. If you already have the Illustrator software and it is a different version, please contact your instructor immediately.
- Students at California's community colleges have access to greatly reduced technology through CollegeBuys. (Links to an external site.) Check out discounts on Adobe products, laptops, and other "gadgets" and software you will need to be a successful college student.
- This software will not operate without activation. Broadband Internet connection and registration are required for software activation, validation of subscriptions, and access to online services. Phone activation is not available.
- Adobe Creative Cloud
Internet Browser (i.e., Safari, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla FireFox, Google Chrome)
Adobe Acrobat Reader to view instructor handouts (.PDF files).
To proceed through the modules, you can use the "Next" button, which is always located near the lower right hand corner of the page. Once the button says "Next Module," then you have reached the last page of the current module.