23FA-DDP-112-0492 - Digital Typography

Welcome to Digital Typography!


Email: mabril@collegeofthedesert.edu

Zoom Virtual Office Hours: Tuesdays at 9 am via Zoom

 Inbox: Use the INBOX link to messages in the main Canvas navigation (located under the Calendar link) to contact me directly. 


So happy you are here!

I'm Mari Abril and I will be your instructor for this online course. I have been teaching online and face-to-face college-level courses since I graduated from CSULB and have been here at the College of the Desert in the Digital Design & Production (DDP) department since 2014. My expertise is in the Adobe Creative Suite, Graphic Design, and typography. 

Like you, I started at a community college– first at Southwestern College then Grossmont College both in San Diego. When I moved north to LA, I attended Long Beach City College and then Cerritos College where I finally earned my associate's. The next semester, I transferred to California State University, Long Beach (CSULB) where I earned my BFA in Visual Communication with a Minor in Marketing. It took me almost 10 years to return to college. in 2007, I received a Master of Science degree in Information Technology from Capella University (online) as well as a Master of Art degree in Advertising & Design from Syracuse University. Currently, I am working on my doctorate in community college leadership from Kansas State University.

My first online experience was creating my portfolio website in 1993 using Mosaic which became Netscape and eventually Firefox. Illustrator was the first Adobe software I worked with in 1989 followed by Photoshop. Back then there were no manuals and no online classes or YouTube videos to teach us. I also use WordPress, Adobe Dreamweaver, and Adobe Premiere. I use these applications in my professional design work. 

My design company, Abrilmedia Links to an external site., began in 1994 and has provided design services to a variety of clients such as; Barbara Sinatra Children's Center, St. Mary's Medical Center, SCAN Health Plan, McDonnell Douglas, Serra Project, Farnell Electronics, Jewish Family Service of the Desert, Foothill AIDS Project, Project New Hope, Kaiser Permanente, and others.

Originally from San Diego (Chula Vista), I now call the Coachella Valley my home. I once won a bottle of champagne for determining the time my flight to Hawaii would arrive at the halfway point. Once a tap dancer, softball player, body surfer, and a nunchakuka. The most important people in my life are my husband George and my two daughters, Solar & Ella. I am a lifelong learner, educator, designer, friend, mother, wife, and human.

I am looking forward to a great semester with you!

~ Professor Abril


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