1.2 | Canvas Dashboard
The first stop on our tour of Canvas is the Dashboard!
Things you'll see on your Dashboard include:
- Course Cards: All current courses represented by tiles
- Global Announcements: Can be used for institution wide communication
- To Do List: Students see a list of up to 25 items they need to do in their courses. Each is a link into the course. Teachers' To Dos are items they need to grade. The number next to each is how many need to be graded. Teachers' To Dos are live links directly to the SpeedGrader
- Coming Up: Look ahead into your Canvas Calendar, showing events and assessments due today and going forward 7 days
Watch the video below, where you will learn the basics of navigating through Canvas and managing your dashboard and sidebar. (6:52 min. long. Last updated 2018-02-27)
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Up Next: Your Dashboard (Continued)