American Government: Chapters 4 & 5 Exam

  • Due Nov 15, 2020 at 11:59pm
  • Points 31
  • Questions 31
  • Time Limit None


Make sure to submit the exam by 11:59pm Sunday. Exams that are submitted after 11:59pm, even by a minute, will be considered late and subject to the half-point penalty (half of the points you earn will be deducted; 20 points becomes 10 points). If you simply save but do not SUBMIT your answers by the deadline, I will not receive them and when you eventually do hit 'Submit,' the answers will be late and subject to the late penalty.

Exams do not have to be completed in one sitting but you only have ONE CHANCE to submit your answers. That is, if you do not like your score, accidentally hit 'Submit,' etc., you cannot go back and change your answers/finish the quiz. So keep your cursor away from 'Submit' until you are actually ready to submit your answers as final.

Finally, answers ARE NOT AUTOMATICALLY AVAILABLE. That is because I do not want students who have yet to take the quiz to possibly acquire the correct answers from students who have taken the exam. Answers will be available after the late deadline passes (3 days after the due date).

Only registered, enrolled users can take graded quizzes