Week-11 (11/10, 11/12)

Date 11/10 11/12
  1. L4-d2-review (TB pg.102)
  2. particle: 「も」、「〜condition〜で」
  3. Meeting Recording (11/10) Links to an external site.
  1. L4-d3 (TB pg.103)
  2. Counting (TB pg. 380-381)
  3. Calendar review (TB pg.127)
  4. Past tense review (TB pg.118/III-A, pg.120/IV-A, B)
  5.  particle 「も」(TB pg.122/V-A, B;「と」(TB pg.111/8)
  6. Meeting Recording (11/12) Links to an external site.
  1. Exercise: There is/are, to have: 「〜〜がある/いる」(TB pg.107);  item's position: 「〜〜の〜〜です/にあります/にいます。」(TB pg.106)
  1. L4-vocab-quizlet.live
  2. L4-particle-quizlet
  3. Past tense exercise (TB pg.119/C, pg.121/E
  1. WB pg.46-47
  1. WB pg.48-49
  2. L4-vocab-Quizlet
  3. L4-particle-Quizlet
  4. PowerPoint Topic Sign Links to an external site.
Prepare for next week:


  1.  PPT topic sign: PowerPoint Topic Sign Links to an external site.



  • For the detailed day of the meeting,  please check the Calendar page on your course-website Links to an external site.
  • If you missed the meeting and want to get the participation credit, please do the "Meeting Review" on the discussion board.