Module 5 Adjective Clauses Quiz 1
- Due Mar 29, 2020 at 11:59pm
- Points 20
- Questions 10
- Time Limit None
- Allowed Attempts Unlimited
We studied adjective clauses in class. Adjective clauses are like adjectives; they give us more information about a noun. However, rather than just being one word, an adjective clause is a group of words that tells us more about people places and things.
The verb in the adjective clause will be singular or plural depending on whether the the noun is singular or plural.
Examples: A hammer is a tool that is used to pound nails. The clause, that is used to pound nails, is a clause that tells more about a hammer. The singular verb is correctly completes the sentence.
Remember in adjective clauses that who and whom are used refers to people and which refers to things. That can be used for people or things. Where can be used for places.
In this week's quiz, choose the correct verb form for Questions 1-5, either singular or plural, to complete the sentence. For Questions 6-10, choose who, where, or which to complete the sentence.