Final Exam Essay Writing
- Due May 22, 2020 at 11:59pm
- Points 10
- Questions 1
- Available May 18, 2020 at 9:30am - May 22, 2020 at 11:59pm
- Time Limit None
The final exam is a writing in response to an article that you will read. You will read the article and then write a short essay responding to the writing prompt. You will be graded on reading, critical thinking, essay organization, documentation, and college diction [mechanics].
If you have an A (90%) in the course at the end of week 15, you do not have to take the final exam.
You will have access to the final exam at 9:30 on Monday, May 18, through Friday, May 22, 11:59 pm.
Only registered, enrolled users can take graded quizzes